
With your tipi vault you get a secure storage for - among other things - the access tokens to your private (GitHub) repositories, meaning that tipi instances on machines you linked to your account get to access privates repositories (that you authorized).

During the on-boarding on you will be asked to create said vault and to provide a passphrase for it. That passphrase is used during the browser session to encrypt the vault and is never sent to our servers.

In the following on-boarding steps you will be given the opportunity to grant your account access to private repositories on which is required if you want to consume privately listed dependencies.

That access can be managed at any time using the vault dashboard on

Connect your machine to your account

To pair a tipi installation with your tipi account use the connect verb and follow the instructions:

$ tipi connect
tipi needs your account to work remotely, authorize this machine by visiting:

         Pairing code : NNNNNN

After granting access to your vault in your tipi dashboard the tipi cli will ask for your passphrase after which your machine will be able to decrypt the vault and the pairing process is completed.

For private cloud and on premise users: you can connect to your private deployment of by specifying the TIPI_ENDPOINT environment variable

Re-Pair your machine

In case you need to reset the settings on your machine you can do a tipi connect --clean.

Both your local tipi CLI installation as well as your cores and nodes require access to your tipi account to be able to access private repositories and your subscription information.

Authentication in Continuous Integration context

On non-interactive usages of tipi credentials can be provided by setting the following environment variables: TIPI_ACCESS_TOKEN, TIPI_REFRESH_TOKEN, TIPI_VAULT_PASSPHRASE.

These are available in files at the root of the tipi folder.

The tipi folder is either /usr/local/share/.tipi/ on Unix platforms or C:\\.tipi on Windows.

The content of these variables should be set as follow. :

  • Content of the .access_token file as TIPI_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable
  • Content of the .refresh_token file as TIPI_REFRESH_TOKEN environment variable
  • TIPI_VAULT_PASSPHRASE plain as environment variable

Authentication with a Personal Access Token on Github grants access to your repositories automatically during the on-boarding.

However if you want to grant different access level to repositories from an organization, from another account or that weren't authorized yet to use you can add a GitHub Personal Access Token to your vault.

The personal access token are secured by the vault and are only used by you on your local tipi builds or by the short-lived remote build instances.

  1. Create a GitHub Personal Access Token
  2. Open your secure vault
  3. Unlock the vault (this happens in your browser, nothing is transmitted to
  4. Add your Personal Access Token credentials by adding an additional or any GitHub Enterprise endpoint.

Add credentials screenshot

Now with the tipi CLI you can refresh your authentication data with tipi connect.

Found an error or want to add more info? Write an issue or contribute changes to this documentation at tipi-build/docs on