
A tipi.build environment consist of 2 elements:

  • CMake toolchain file
  • OS image

The OS images are described via the help of Packer files and can be automatically deployed on the tipi.build cloud as many-core build agent or as execution environment for unit test.

Officially supported environments can be found as <environment>.pkr.js + <environment>.cmake file pairs in the tipi-build/environments GitHub repository.

While emphasizes on providing a default environment for each major platform, community maintained or private environments are welcome.

As a good starting point tipi always provides at clean and up-to-date clang with libc++ STL for following environments:

  • WebAssembly: tipi -t wasm build .
  • Linux: tipi -t linux build .
  • Windows: tipi -t windows build .
  • macOS: tipi -t macos build .

Variations specifying C++ standard versions are also available (adding the suffix -cxx17 or -cxx20).

hint: The . (dot) in the commands above can be any path containing C++ source files or a C++ CMake project.

Building in the tipi.build cloud

tipi  -t linux-cxx17 build .

Will provision an environment as described in /usr/local/share/.tipi/<distro>/environments/linux.pkr.js (or C:\.tipi\<distro>\environments\linux.pkr.js) on the tipi.build and run the build using your tipi subscription.

All required files will be synchronized bidirectionally to and from the tipi build node as necessary.

Building on your local machine

tipi -t linux-cxx17 .

When your machine fits your target environment you can also use the tipi provided toolchain to build locally.

Running apps on remote environments

Note: Make use of your subscription to run your application on the remote tipi node.

Run the binary built from the ./app.cpp source file:

tipi -t macos-cxx17 .run build/bin/app


  • all parameters after .run are forwarded to the remote environment
  • the standard IO is redirected to the calling console

Running within the tipi environment for your local machine

tipi run build/bin/app

Will run a command within the tipi environment on your local machine. Note the absence of . in front of run vs. .run from the previos example.

Customizing environments

Tipi environments can be customized to your need by creating the required set of CMake toolchain and Packer file.

Examples can be found at tipi-build/environments .

Once they are stored in /usr/local/share/.tipi/<distro>/environments/<environment>.pkr.js and /usr/local/share/.tipi/<distro>/environments/<environment>.cmake a tipi build . -t <environment> will start the image creation the tipi cloud and then build the current sources.

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