πŸš€ Getting started C++

Setup your machine:

  1. Create your account on tipi.build
  2. Install tipi :
# Linux & macOS:
/bin/bash -c \
 "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tipi-build/cli/master/install/install_for_macos_linux.sh)"
# Windows 10 / 11 in Powershell
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = "Tls, Tls11, Tls12, Ssl3"
. { `
  iwr -useb https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tipi-build/cli/master/install/install_for_windows.ps1 `
} | iex

# P.S.: we highly recommend you give a the new Windows Terminal app a try. It truly augments your 
# console experience on Windows!
  1. Run tipi connect and link your installation to your tipi.build account so you can use your tipi subscription
  2. Create an empty folder for the example project on your disk and cd into it
  3. Create an example.cpp inside that folder and write a simple hello world:
#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  std::cout << "tipi is cool!" << std::endl;
  return 0;
Note on platforms and environments:

You can replace occurrences of linux-cxx17 in the instructions below with windows or macos-cxx17 when using your subscription or the environment matching your machine's platform

On Linux: linux-cxx17 or linux-cxx20

On macOS: macos-cxx17 or macos-cxx20

On Windows: windows or windows-cxx17 or windows-cxx20 or vs-16-2019-cxx17 (if you have Build Tools for Visual Studio 2019 installed)

When using your tipi subscription to build or run, a cloud node of the corresponding platform is deployed in the tipi cloud.

  1. build the example using either:

    • your tipi subscription: tipi -t linux-cxx20 build .
    • your local machine[^1]: tipi -t linux-cxx20 .
  2. run the resulting binary using:

    • your tipi subscription: tipi -t linux-cxx20 .run build/linux-cxx20/bin/example
    • your local machine[^1]: tipi run build/linux-cxx20/bin/example
  3. Add a dependency from GitHub: we're going to add a JSON manipulation library from: github.com/nlohmann/json

    • create a file .tipi/deps with content
    "nlohmann/json" : {
        "@" : "v3.11.2",
        "u": false,
        "x": [

Note: we are pinning the version of the dependency to the tagger release v3.11.2 (list can be found under nlohmann/json/releases ). At time of building tipi will pull the release from the GitHub repository and build it. If you want to live on the edge, you can remove the @ pin or write a branch name like master in there.

  1. Edit your example.cpp:
#include <iostream>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp> // tipi.build will find it online

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

  std::cout << "Wonderful JSON formatter with tipi is cool!" << std::endl;

  auto json = nlohmann::json::parse(argv[1]);
  std::cout << json.dump(2) << std::endl;
  return 0;
  1. Compile and run (see #6 and #7 above):
$> tipi -t linux-cxx20 build .
$> tipi -t linux-cxx20 .run ./build/linux-cxx20/bin/example '[4,52,25]'
Wonderful JSON formatter with tipi is cool!

Found an error or want to add more info? Write an issue or contribute changes to this documentation at tipi-build/docs on